Company Overview
Transformation for development…
The growth in the volume of international trade and global industry mobility increase the strategic importance of the logistics sector. For this reason, defining logistics as a transportation-based operation has become an inadequate approach within the framework of today’s dynamics. The common feature of organizations adapting to the current changes in the logistics sector is that they have moved their corporate goals from business partnerships to solution partnerships. Consequently, the communicative reflections of these goals have been and are being shaped in this direction.
The development of the logistics sector and the opportunities it offers in parallel with it have necessitated some new beginnings in our company’s corporate vision.
The new beginnings we defined comprise many different steps. However, the first one is to change the name of our firm from ‘Çelenk Uluslararası Nakliyat ve Lojistik’, which we had used from 2004 to 2015, to ‘Garland Lojistik Çözümleri Ltd. Şti.’ And we have been continuing to serve under this name since 2015.
In addition, our corporate identity reflects the change in the business development strategy we targeted.
Our top priority in changing both the name and corporate visibility was to reflect the fact that logistics is a multidimensional sector requiring international solutions.
Celebrating its 20 th anniversary in 2024, we believe that our company will continue to grow by gaining strength thanks to our increasing cooperation with our valued customers and our strong agency networks worldwide. Hence, we owe a great debt of gratitude to all our stakeholders who trust us.
Ö. Tayfun ANGIN
Founder / General Manager